Helena Reckitt and I are co-presenting research into strategies for feminist collective organizing at the upcoming College Art Association annual conference in Chicago, Feb 14-17, 2024.

As part of the exhibition “Sediment” at the Art Museum at the University of Toronto, I’m speaking alongside curator Denise Ryner and militant education historian Sónia Vaz Borges on Saturday, January 19th, from 2-4 pm in the gallery at an event titled “Becoming Collective Through the Archive.”

Affidamento as Curatorial Methodology: Feminist Approaches to Pedagogy and Curating in the Work of EMILIA-AMALIA” is out now in Journal of Curatorial Studies as part of their special issue on curating and radical pedagogy in Canada.

My review of Deanna Bowen’s public mural, The Black Canadians (after Cooke), 2022–, at the National Gallery of Canada is in the January 2024 print edition of Artforum.

Alongside Nura Ali and Tak Pham, I spoke about Luther Konadu’s latest exhibition, No Further, at the Mackenzie Art Gallery in Regina, SK. Video documentation of our conversation is online now.

As part of the exhibition “Double Exposure” at Camera Austria, Sim Chi Yin and I held an online conversation discussing our respective research into colonial lantern slides depicting British Malaya.

I’ll be presenting new work from my book, Citizen Subjects, at a one-day conference on photography and citizenship at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, on Monday 27 November. Registration is free.

At the annual meeting of the American Studies Association, I’m convening a roundtable on “Feminist Killjoys” and intergenerational anger alongside Kyla Wazana Tompkins.